Biometrical evaluation of the performance of the revised OECD Test Guideline 402 for assessing acute dermal toxicity
The results of the study demonstrate that the TG 402 test design can be optimised with reduced animal numbers per test group without compromising both the statistical ability of the study to assess dermal toxicity, or the relevant classification outcome.
The article was published in Elsevier (19.09.17)
Biometrical evaluation of the performance of the revised OECD Test Guideline 402 for assessing acute dermal toxicity
H.Mielke, J.Strickland, M.N.Jacobs, J.M.Mehta
Elsevier 15398CV9,19.09.17
REGULATORY TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, Volume 89, October 2017, Pages 26-39
doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2017.07.007