Mono-n-hexyl phthalate: exposure estimation and assessment of health risks based on levels found in human urine samples

Mono-n-hexyl phthalate (MnHexP) is a primary metabolite of di-n-hexyl phthalate (DnHexP) and other mixed side-chain phthalates that was detected in urine samples from adults and children in Germany. The detection raises questions about the sources of exposure and concerns of consumer safety. The study proposes the calculation of a provisional oral tolerable daily intake value (TDI) of 63 µg/kg body weight/day for DnHexP and compare it to intake levels corresponding to levels of MnHexP found in urine. The resulting mean intake levels correspond to less than 0.2% of the TDI, and maximum levels to less than 5%. In addition, the authors modelled various scenarios of the exposure to the precursor substance DnHexP from different consumer products, taking measured contamination levels into account, and estimated systemic exposure doses.

The study was published in the Archives of Toxicology.

Mono-n-hexyl phthalate: exposure estimation and assessment of health risks based on levels found in human urine samples
Pirow, R., Bernauer, U., Blume, A. et al.

Arch Toxicol (2024)


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