genetically modified organisms (GMO)
- Recommendation no. 002/2016 by the National Committee (TierSchG)
Severity Assessment of genetically altered mice and rats - Version 2 (245.21 KB)
- Recommandation No. 001/2015 by the National Committee (TierSchG)
Severity assessment of genetically altered fisch (bony fish, teleost fish) (390.10 KB)
- Presentation, Kristina Plate, BfR, Berlin, Germany
A tool for rapid assessment of risk of bias (raRoB) in observational epidemiologic studies (1.76 MB)
- Presentation, Prof. Dr. med. Barbara Hoffmann MPH, Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf
How evidence from epidemiological studies can be used to answer causality questions: The case of air pollution -cause or correlation? (2.80 MB)
- Presentation, Barbara Doerr, Food Standards Agency, London, UK
The UK Committees on Toxicity (COT) and on Carcinogenicity (COC) of chemicals in foods, consumer products and the environment: guidance for synthesising and integration of epidemiological and toxicological evidence (623.42 KB)
- Presentation, Sander Greenland, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Keynote 6: Proper construction and interpretation of statistics for causality assessment and policy input
- Presentation, Pierre Lebailly, Centre François Baclesse, Caen, France and University of Caen Normandy, France
Epidemiological results on pesticides and cancer, just a matter of p values and confounding? (1.74 MB)
- Presentation, Krista Y Christensen, Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment, Washington, DC, USA
Surveying the epidemiology evidence: examples of triangulation from the IRIS program (1.28 MB)
- Presentation, Holger Schünemann, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada and Cochrane Canada
Keynote 4: Assessing the certainty in a body of evidence for studies addressing the effect of an exposure on an outcome (7.50 MB)
- Presentation, Perrine Nadaud, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety, Maisons-Alfort, France
Use of epidemiological studies to assess nutritional risk of vegetarian diets (1.36 MB)
- Presentation, Kyla W Taylor, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Durham, USA
The OHAT approach to assessing risk-of-bias in individual epidemiological studies to support evidence integration and public health decision making (1.54 MB)
- Presentation, Sylvia Notenboom, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Notes on the use of epidemiological and toxicological data for risk assessment (662.78 KB)
- Presentation, Klaus Abraham, BfR, Berlin, Germany
Diminished semen quality following early exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) as critical effect in health risk assessment? (782.04 KB)
- Presentation, Joachim Schüz, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC/WHO), Lyon, France
Keynote 2: Opportunities and challenges of using epidemiological studies in health risk assessment from an IARC perspective (1.80 MB)
- Presentation, Krista Y. Christensen, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA
Application feature improvements in support of human health assessments: optimisations for epidemiology data extraction (2.30 MB)
- Presentation, Erica Kintz, Food Standards Agency, London, UK
Use of epidemiological data in microbiological risk assessments: two case studies from the UK Food Standards Agency (1.35 MB)
- Presentation, Judy LaKind, LaKind Associates, LLC, Catonsville, USA and University of Maryland-School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA
Keynote 1: Epidemiology and risk assessment: reflections on working together to improve public health (901.18 KB)
- Presentation, Janice Hegewald, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Berlin, Germany
Good practice occupational epidemiological systematic reviews – a recommendation paper
- Presentation, Julian PT Higgins, Bristol Medical School, UK
Keynote 3: Assessing risk of bias in estimates of the effects of exposures: the ROBINS-E tool (2.30 MB)
- Presentation, Ullrika Sahlin, Lund University, Sweden
Probability bounds analysis as a way open up for semi-automatic quantification of bias terms in RoB – adjusted evidence synthesis (1.89 MB)
- Presentation, Christine L Parr, Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM), Oslo, Norway
Use of epidemiological studies in a benefit and risk assessment of fish intake by the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM) (894.32 KB)
- Alexandra Ribarits, AGES, AT
Identification of known / unknown classical GMO and NGT products / reference materials (498.29 KB)
- Presentation Christopher Viljoen, School of Biomedical Sciences Human Molecular, ZA
Lessons learnt from capacity building in LMO detection in the Southern African Network of GM detection Laboratories (SANGL) (5.45 MB)
- Presentation Luu Minh Cuc, Institute of Agricultural Genetics, VN
Current status and challenges of GMOs development and GMO detection methods in Vietnam (929.92 KB)
- Presentation Austein McLoughlin, SCBD, CA
The Network of Laboratories for the Detection and Identification of Living Modified Organisms (952.61 KB)
- Presentation Austein McLoughlin, SCBD, CA
The Biosafety Clearing-House (1.12 MB)
- Presentation Laura Bonfini, EC-JRC
JRC GMO web applications (1.72 MB)
- Presentation Theo Prins, Wageningen Food Safety Research, NL
Global information sharing: EUginius (2.49 MB)
- Presentation Sonia Herrero, Syngenta, US
Introduction to CropLife International detection methods database (1.93 MB)
- Presentation Inácio Henrique Yano, Embrapa, BR
Prototype of Non-Genetically Modified Soybean Tracking System Using Blockchain Technology (2.34 MB)
- Presentation Jenny Teufel, Institute for Applied Ecology, DE
Alternative approaches for GMO traceability (753.71 KB)
- Presentation Raymond Shillito, BASF, US
Analytical methods for the detection of NGT products (2.83 MB)
- Presentation Margit Ross, Corteva Agriscience, US
NGT Products: Methods and Matters of Detection (1.22 MB)
- Presentation Slawomir Sowa, PBAI-NRI, PL
Challenges for the detection and identification of NGT products (1.81 MB)
- Presentation Patrick Gürtler, LGL Oberschleißheim, DE
Evaluation of methods for the unequivocal identification of single-mutations derived from NGT (2.84 MB)
- Presentation Fabrice Touzain, ANSES, FR
Detection/characterisation of undescribed genetically modified bacteria by statistical analysis of high throughput sequencing data (1.39 MB)
- Presentation Guy Van den Eede, EC-JRC
Achievements and future perspectives of GMO detection (1.98 MB)
- Presentation Malcolm Burns, LGC-Group, UK
Analytical strategies for detection of GMOs and NGT products - status and challenges (2.15 MB)
Press releases
Detecting genetic modifications