A circular economic system based on organic side streams using insects as feed for sustainable aquaculture (BioInsectonomy)
Funding programme / funding institution: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) - Deutschland
Grant number: 031B1246A
Project homepage: -
Project description:
This project brings together expertise from Germany, Colombia and Norway to generate scientific research results on the use of plant crop residues/biomass for the production of insects in a circular economy. The project will investigate organic by-products such as plant crop residues as a food source for the production of certain insect species as a new agriculturally useful protein source. In addition to the selection of plant crop residues and the testing of suitable insect species, "omics" techniques will be used for the analysis and traceability of insects. In addition, the suitability of insect products will be tested on aquacultures in Colombia and compared with data already available in Norway. The development of a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)ng with the selection of harvest residues up to the use of the insect products for fish feeding is another prominent goal of the project. By developing, evaluating and establishing the production chain from the selection and use of suitable crop residues to the production of insect protein as fish feed, the project will transform the linear food/feed system into a circular production system leading to the sustainable production of biogenic resources, as supported by the Bioeconomy Strategy for a Sustainable, Circular and Strong Economy in Germany and the Colombian Bio-Strategy.
To achieve the objectives, the project is broken down into a total of four work packages (WP) in which the project partners will be active together:
WP1 - Identification and evaluation of agriculture residues/biomass, insect species and target markets
Task 1 - Identify suitable agriculture residues/biomass (organic side stream) in Colombia to produce raw materials used for aquaculture production.
Task 2 - Evaluation of potential insect species for converting organic side stream into feed.
Task 3 - Evaluation insect meal for local fish diets. We will evaluate the nutritional profile of insects (meal) fed with organic side stream (T2) to be used in formulations for trout. It will include chemical analyses to characterize insect meal, feed and fillet of trout fed with experimental diets.
WP2 - Tracking and Tracing of insect species used as feed for aquaculture production
Task 1 - Development of DNA-based testing methods for official monitoring (PCR and next generation sequencing) and tracing of product identity and origin of insect species.
Task 2 - Development of protein-based testing methods for official monitoring and tracing of product identity and origin.
WP 3 - Development of a risk assessment strategies based on the analysis of the aquaculture production chain using insects as feed in Colombia
Task 1 - We will analyse the preparation and production of feed derived from insects and used as feed for fishes established in WP 1.
WP4 - Exploitation of project results
Task 1 - transfer of knowledge of the project progress, publications and presentations of project results, setting standards for the traceability of insect proteins, providing reference material and reagents to national reference labs for proving feed authenticity.
Task 2 - organizing a workshop for stakeholders, Training course for partners to apply identification methods developed within the frame of this project to collaborators in Colombia.
Project partners:
Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR) - Norwegen
Signatope GmbH (Signatope) - Deutschland
Nationale Universität von Kolumbien (UNAL) - Kolumbien