Stiftung Warentest and BfR sign cooperation agreement
Stiftung Warentest (the German consumer organisation) and the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) are to cooperate more closely in future in order to make progress in consumer health protection. This is what is envisaged in a cooperation agreement that was signed in Berlin today by the President of BfR, Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel, and the Chairman of Stiftung Warentest, Dr. Werner Brinkmann.
BfR is the scientific institute in the Federal Republic of Germany which is responsible for elaborating expert reports and opinions on issues of consumer health protection and for suggesting ways to minimise risks. It covers a broad spectrum of subjects ranging from food safety down to the safety of chemicals, pesticides, biocides and consumer products.
Under this cooperation agreement BfR will pass on proposals for studies to Stiftung Warentest. It also envisages BfR drawing the Stiftung’s attention to consumer health protection problems and, if necessary, offering expert advice. BfR will give its staff members an opportunity to attend advisory board meetings of the Stiftung in which the study programmes of the planned tests will be discussed. Furthermore, BfR experts will be available for interviews in the journal “test“. A working group has also been set up to support this cooperation. It will meet regularly in order to identify, discuss and examine in greater depth relevant topics of interest to both sides.