Federal Institute for Risk Assessment designated a family-friendly employer
The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment has been awarded a certificate for the auditberufundfamilie (Work and Family Life Audit). Prior to the issuing of the certificate for the Work and Family Life Audit, berufundfamilie gGmbH examines the steps taken by employers in the context of a family-friendly personnel policy. "With this audit BfR shows that balancing work and family life and family-friendliness are an important part of its personnel policy", says Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel, President of BfR. During the audit spanning several months, berufundfamilie gGmbH came to the conclusion that BfR already attributes considerable importance to family-friendly work opportunities. BfR staff enjoy flexible working hours, regular employee assessments with their superiors and have access to diverse counselling and support offerings. Within the framework of the audit BfR has committed itself to taking further steps, for instance to increase telework opportunities and to set up a parent-child office. Staff on leave of absence can keep in regular contact with their employer, too, for instance by participating in further training and other events. In this way BfR wishes to offer applicants attractive working conditions, to secure the long-term loyalty of its employees and to offer them opportunities for a good work-family life balance and for personal development in various life phases.
The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment draws on its scientific expertise to advise the Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) on all aspects of consumer health protection. The BfR laboratories and offices are spread over its three Berlin locations in Dahlem, Marienfelde and Alt-Marienfelde. BfR currently has a workforce of 699, 256 of whom are scientific staff. BfR prepares expert reports on the material and microbial assessment of the potential risks from feed, food, chemicals and consumer products. BfR’s work on behalf of consumer health protection draws on a scientific, research-based approach. The BfR work results and recommendations are used by all interested circles - politics, science, the business community, associations, public authorities, non-governmental organisations and consumers - as a decision-making aid for the corresponding management measures. With its science-based risk assessment BfR provides an important stimulus for consumer health protection both inside and outside Germany. The entire assessment process is transparent. Thanks to its comprehensive, complete and easily comprehensible risk communication, BfR makes science visible and useable for the public at large.