3G or 2G? How the rules are received
In addition to the nationwide 3G rule, the 2G rule is also applied in some cases. Accordingly, only people who have either recovered or have been fully vaccinated are allowed to enter certain facilities or events; a negative test result is no longer sufficient. The current data of the BfR-Corona-Monitor - a regular survey by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) - show that the 2G rule meets with substantially less approval among the population than the 3G rule. "Currently, 83 percent of the respondents see the 3G rule as an appropriate measure to contain the coronavirus", BfR-President Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel cites the results of the survey. "In comparison, the 2G rule is supported by 56 percent."
Furthermore, people in Germany are becoming more socially active at the end of summer and beginning of autumn. Fewer respondents are considering leaving home less frequently and seeing friends and family less frequently in order to protect themselves from a possible infection. While at the end of June, when the number of infections were comparatively low, 50 percent of the respondents stated they would leave home less frequently and 64 percent said they would meet friends and family less frequently, now only 30 and 44 percent are doing so.
The perceived ability to protect oneself from an infection has remained stable for months. However, it is evident that the concern about the impact of an infection is decreasing. In particular, the concern about one's own physical health is rated as low as never before since this question was added to the survey in June 2020. Overall, 12 percent currently say they are worried or very worried about the physical effects of an infection - in the age group of 60 years and over, this figure is slightly higher at 16 percent.
The BfR has published FAQs on the topic of coronavirus:
About the BfR-Corona-Monitor
The BfR-Corona-Monitor is a recurring (multi-wave) representative survey on the risk perception of the population in Germany towards the novel coronavirus. Every week between 24 March and 26 May 2020, around 500 randomly selected people were asked by telephone about their assessment of the risk of infection and their protective measures, among other things. Since June 2020, the survey is continued every two weeks with about 1,000 respondents each. A summary of the data is regularly published on the homepage of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. More information about the method and sample can be found in publications about the BfR-Corona-Monitor.
About the BfR
The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) is a scientifically independent institution within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in Germany. It advises the German federal government and German federal states ("Laender") on questions of food, chemical and product safety. The BfR conducts its own research on topics that are closely linked to its assessment tasks.
This text version is a translation of the original German text which is the only legally binding version.