Press releases 2009
- 22.12.2009 (37 /2009) Danger of suffocation for infants from nuts
- 21.12.2009 (36 /2009) How many mothers breastfeed their children and for how long?
- 18.12.2009 (35 /2009) Salmonella widespread in pig breeding farms
- 15.12.2009 (34 /2009) Identifying, assessing and preventing intoxications
- 14.12.2009 (33 /2009) Cadmium in food
- 02.12.2009 (32 /2009) How safe is safe?
- 24.11.2009 (31 /2009) Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) widespread in German pig breeding stocks
- 17.11.2009 (30 /2009) Joint efforts to control diseases transmitted from animals to humans
- 16.11.2009 (29 /2009) Viruses must be controlled differently from bacteria
- 29.10.2009 (28 /2009) This is how Europe operates when it comes to food safety
- 28.10.2009 (27 /2009) Hair dyeing without any risk - is that possible?
- 26.10.2009 (26 /2009) Alternative methods replace animal experiments: 20 years successful work by ZEBET within BfR
- 21.10.2009 (25 /2009) Glow sticks are not for small children
- 28.09.2009 (24 /2009) Breastfeeding is essential - are you on board?
- 18.09.2009 (23 /2009) Detect allergens in food within a few minutes
- 11.09.2009 (22 /2009) EFSA confirms BfR position on detection methods for algal toxins in shellfishs
- 24.08.2009 (21 /2009) Science for the protection of consumers
- 30.07.2009 (20 /2009) Campylobacter: The most frequent pathogen of bacterial diarrhoeal infections
- 21.07.2009 (19 /2009) Post-natal checklist
- 17.07.2009 (18 /2009) Indoor grilling with charcoal is very dangerous!
- 15.07.2009 (17 /2009) Cadmium: New challenge for food safety?
- 08.07.2009 (16 /2009) BfR Vice President appointed Honorary President of OIV
- 06.07.2009 (15 /2009) Children are not small adults
- 30.06.2009 (14 /2009) Alternatives to the use of transgenic animals
- 18.06.2009 (13 /2009) Family Affairs Minister von der Leyen designates BfR a family-friendly employer
- 10.06.2009 (12 /2009) Protect children from poisoning
- 29.05.2009 (11 /2009) Farm visit without stomach pains
- 27.05.2009 (10 /2009) BfR and Afssa sign cooperation agreement
- 12.05.2009 (09 /2009) Transmission of MRSA from eating pork unlikely
- 12.05.2009 (08 /2009) BfR and aid infodienst agree cooperation
- 06.05.2009 (07 /2009) Fewer animals for the testing of botox medicinal products!
- 04.05.2009 (06 /2009) Tattoo inks become safer
- 23.04.2009 (05 /2009) Water pipes: Each puff carries a risk
- 15.04.2009 (04 /2009) Federal Institute for Risk Assessment designated a family-friendly employer
- 16.03.2009 (03 /2009) Health risks from fumigated ship containers
- 15.01.2009 (02 /2009) Where does honey come from and from which cattle breed the filet?
- 12.01.2009 (01 /2009) From aflatoxins to zearalenone - Science makes food safe