Frequently asked questions on the procedure for the re-assessment of glyphosate within the framework of the EU active substance review

BfR FAQ, 12 November 2015

Active substances used in pesticides are subject to approval by the European Commission. Following the first application, this approval is limited to a maximum period of 10 years. Before the end of this period, the manufacturers must apply for renewed approval if they want to continue to use this active substance in pesticides. Once the application has been filed, the active substance is re-assessed. Within the framework of the approval procedure, the Commission appoints a member state to act as Rapporteur Member State (RMS). In the case of glyphosate, the Federal Republic of Germany was named RMS. The German government appointed the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) as the lead authority for the drafting of the Renewal Assessment Rapport (RAR).

In the re-assessment procedure, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) was commissioned to assess the health risk of the active substance and one representative formulation.

BfR has prepared questions and answers on the procedure for the re-assessment of the active substance glyphosate within the framework of the EU active substance evaluation.


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