Selected scientific publications
It is a matter of importance for the BfR that its scientists place their results in specialist publications. On this page you will find selected specialist publications with short summaries.
Compiled by the year in which they first appeared, the publication lists which you will find in the box in the right-hand column provide an overview of annual publications.
You can make specific searches by author or topic in the Open Agrar publication server.
Selected Publications
First purported images of ciguatoxin-3C by cryogenic and transmission electron microscopy
16.03.2023Root uptake and metabolization of Alternaria toxins by winter wheat plants using a hydroponic system
30.01.2023The fate of surplus laboratory animals
16.01.2023A walk in the PARC: developing and implementing 21st century chemical risk assessment in Europe
13.10.2022Roadmap for Mixture Toxicity published
25.02.2022The Public’s Understanding of Superfoods
25.08.2021Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA): No high-level accumulation in human lung and kidney tissue
09.11.2020A scientific review of colorful textiles
05.11.2018Comparison of lead levels in edible parts of red deer hunted with lead or non-lead ammunition
19.09.2017Hunting of roe deer and wild boar in Germany: Is non-lead ammunition suitable for hunting?
27.09.2017Air Quality Effects on Human Health and Approaches for Its Assessment through Microfluidic Chips
30.06.2017Ochrobactrum Phages and Brucella
21.12.2016Erneuter Nachweis von Carbapenemase-bildenden E. coli bei Schweinen in Deutschland in 2015 und 2016
07.10.2016From the tattoo studio to the emergency room
07.10.2016Vom Tattoostudio in die Notaufnahme