The German PARC National Hub
National Hubs and National Hub Contact Points in PARC
In order for PARC to make an impact in the entire European area, also expertise from outside of the PARC consortium shall be taken into account. To expand the expertise of the PARC partners, separate expert panels have to be established in each participating EU member state. The establishment of these so-called National Hubs (NHs) as well as the National Hub Contact Points (NHCPs) is stipulated in the PARC Grant Agreement.
With the help of the NHs and NHCPs, interdisciplinary networks of national risk assessors and regulatory organisations shall be built within the partnership in order to jointly and sustainably set scientific and innovative priorities in the risk assessment of chemicals.
The NHs represent national networks of experts from relevant authorities and ministries (= regulatory organisations and policy makers), academic and non-academic research institutions as well as thematically relevant stakeholders (chemical industry, NGOs, citizens' associations, ...) in the field of risk assessment of chemicals and related research. The primary task of the PARC-NH is to discuss results from PARC and to bring further national needs, knowledge and issues into the partnership.
The NHCPs act as the main points of contact on PARC issues at national level (both from PARC itself and from PARC-NH members and the public) and are in close contact with each other (coordinated through the National Hub Contact Point Coordination Team (NHCC)). It is the task of the NHCPs to actively exchange national experiences, priorities and relevant issues within the European NHCP network. In this way, national as well as general needs and priorities are to be communicated to PARC and important issues in PARC can be discussed across committees and countries.
The German PARC National Hub and National Hub Contact Point
The German PARC National Hub (PARC-NH) is a national advisory body that brings together the scientific expertise of the German PARC Grant Signatories (GS) and Affiliated Entities (AEs) as well as non-PARC associated research institutions, relevant regulatory authorities and ministries and other stakeholders such as the chemical industry.
The task of the PARC-NH is to discuss PARC results at the national level and to bring current needs, issues and knowledge into the partnership. Furthermore, the PARC-NH is intended to communicate PARC results to the public. To this end, among others, it is planned to organise one of the bi-annual PARC-NH meetings in combination with public symposia or conferences on relevant PARC-NH topics. In addition, the PARC-NH will offer stakeholder dialogues and workshops as needed to publicly discuss emerging issues and to share knowledge and methods. Furthermore, information material is to be made available. A sketch of the tasks and structure of PARC-NH is shown in figure 1.
Fig. 1: Structure and tasks/activities of the German PARC National Hub.
In Germany, there are two Grant Signatory authorities that have signed the grant agreement of the EU PARC partnership, the BfR and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). They address different topics in the consortium: the BfR is responsible for "hazard assessment", the UBA for the area of “human biomonitoring and environment”. Other German partner institutions (Affiliated Entities) in PARC are assigned to these two authorities respectively.
The PARC-NH is divided into two thematic sub-hubs. The sub-hub "Human Tox" deals with and discusses questions on human-relevant toxicology, human exposure and risk assessment under the technical responsibility of the BfR. The sub-hub "Human Biomonitoring/Environment", under the technical responsibility of the UBA, discusses issues relating to environmental risk assessment and monitoring as well as human biomonitoring (HBM). The cooperation of the sub-hubs in the German National Hub bridges the research areas of human and environmental toxicology, thus seeking to further improve the protection of human health and the environment.
BfR and UBA jointly manage the German National Hub and fulfil the function of the German NHCP. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the coordination of the PARC-NH and the NHCP by BfR and UBA within the framework of a collaborative project (funding reference 01DT21043A).
Each German partner institution (Affiliated Entity) in PARC nominates one scientist as a member of the PARC-NH. In addition, selected experts who are not themselves part of the EU partnership are nominated as members of the PARC-NH on the basis of their respective personal scientific expertise. All PARC-NH members are assigned to one of the thematic sub-hubs according to their affiliation and expertise. The PARC-NH also include selected staff from BfR and UBA who are involved in PARC and in some cases form an important interface with the work of other PARC bodies, such as the PARC Grant Signatory Board (GSB) and the PARC Management Board (MB). Representatives from the relevant ministries are also represented as permanent guests in the PARC-NH and thus also form an interface to the work of the PARC Governing Board (GB). In this case, these are primarily the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), which is responsible for the supervision of BfR, and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), which is responsible for the supervision of UBA and, in limited areas, also of BfR.
Chair and Management:
National Hub Contact Point:
- Contact persons: Dr. Luam Ghebreghiorghis, Dr. Jessica Baesler (BfR) and Philipp Weise (UBA)
- Contact: parc-bfr@bfr.bund.deand
German PARC National Hub:
- Chair: Prof. Dr. Wim Wätjen (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)
- Vice Chair: Dr. Holger Koch (Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine of the German Social Accident Insurance, Institute of the Ruhr University Bonn)
- Management: Dr. Luam Ghebreghiorghis, Dr. Jessica Baesler (BfR) and Philipp Weise (UBA)
- Contact: and
Sub-Hub "Human Tox”:
- Chair: PD Dr. Robert Landsiedel (BASF SE)
- Vice Chair: Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Hartung (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, University of Konstanz, CAAT)
- Technical responsibility: BfR
- Contact:
Sub-Hub "Human Biomonitoring/Environment”:
- Chair: Dr. Holger Koch (Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), Institute of the Ruhr University Bonn)
- Vice Chair: Prof. Dr. Werner Brack (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research)
- Technical responsibility: UBA
- Contact:
An overview of the tasks and structure of PARC-NH is presented here (PDF file,1.78 MB).
The "Human Tox" Sub-Hub
As mentioned above, the “Human Tox” sub-hub of PARC-NH deals with PARC-relevant issues and topics in human-relevant toxicology, human exposure and risk assessment of chemicals. The expertise within this advisory body is broadly diversified in this area, so that a solid basis for consultation and discussion is also ensured across work packages (WP) at national level. The majority of the sub-hub members from assigned Affiliated Entities are involved in the work of PARC work package (WP) 5 "Hazard Assessment".
The following people are involved in the "Human Tox" sub-hub:
Scientific expertise: Representatives of the PARC collaborative partners (AEs) assigned to BfR. |
Dr. Philipp Antczak |
Universität Köln (UKK), Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne |
Dr. Sylvia Escher |
Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM) |
Prof. Dr. Jörg Fahrer |
RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) |
Dr. Katharina Koch |
Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine (IUF) |
Prof. Dr. Jan Hengstler |
Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors (IfADo) |
Prof. Dr. Marcel Leist |
University of Konstanz, CAAT (CAAT) |
Prof. Dr. Bettina Seeger |
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo) |
Prof. Dr. Roderich Süssmuth |
Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) |
Prof. Dr. Wim Wätjen |
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) |
PD Dr. Carsten Weiss |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
Scientific expertise: PARC-external experts |
Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Hartung |
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Universität Konstanz, CAAT |
PD Dr. Robert Landsiedel |
Dr. Christine Herrington |
Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) |
Prof. Dr. Michael Schwarz |
Eberhard Karls University Tübingen |
Supervisory ministries and relevant authorities (permanent guest status) |
Dr. Alexandra Makulla |
BMEL, Unit 713 "Pflanzenschutz" |
Dr. David Butler Manning |
BMEL, Unit 123 „Forschung und Innovation, Koordination des Forschungsbereiches“ |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kuhlbusch |
Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) |
Technical and administrative representatives of the BfR |
Dr. Luam Ghebreghiorghis and Dr. Jessica Baesler |
BfR (here as PARC-NH Co-Management and NHCP on the part of BfR) |
Dr. Matthias Herzler |
BfR (here as Co-Lead Task 2.2) |
Dr. Katja Leicht |
BfR (here as administrative project leader of PARC at BfR and involvement Task 2.3) |
Dr. Philip Marx-Stölting |
BfR (here as Co-Lead WP 5 und MB member) |
Dr. Tewes Tralau |
BfR (here as scientific project leader of PARC at BfR, GSB and MB member) |
others |
as needed depending on the thematic focus of the meetings |
Further information on the sub-hub "Human Biomonitoring/Environment" can be found here on the UBA website.
Source: Luam Ghebreghiorghis/ BfR
Second biannual meeting of the German PARC National Hub on November 28, 2024 in Berlin
At the hybrid meeting, project results from PARC were discussed and new PARC-relevant topics were identified. The wide-ranging expertise of the PARC National Hub in Germany is made up of the specialist knowledge of relevant authorities and stakeholders in the field of national risk assessment of chemicals. This includes representatives of the BfR and UBA, PARC partner institutions and external experts. The BMEL, BMUV and BAuA expand the committee's expertise as permanent guests.
Source: Sara Graetz/ BfR
2nd German PARC Stakeholder Dialogue “Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures” on November 27, 2024 in Berlin.
For this dialog, BfR and UBA invited scientists, stakeholders and representatives from politics to the 2nd German PARC Stakeholder Dialogue. The dialog highlighted the current scientific status of chemical mixtures and the regulatory context from the perspective of human and environmental toxicology. Regulatory framework conditions, challenges and opportunities were presented and discussed interactively with the participants.