Third party projects of the BfR
The following pages show current third party projects of the BfR - as partner or as coordinator. The results of the research activities are directly used for the statements and therefore as part of the political consulting of the institute.
The projects are structured to the following key aspects:
- Research on authenticity testing of food and feed
- Research on human, animal and environmental health (One Health)
- Research on exposure estimation and assessment of biological risks
- Research on the safety of national and international supply chains
- Research on the detection of contaminants and for the assessment of chemical risks
- Research on modern methods in toxicology
- Research to harmonise and standardise assessments of exposure
- Research on alternatives to animal experiments
- Research on functional analytics and early risk detection
- Research on feed safety
- Research on nanotechnology: detection, toxicology, risk assessment and risk perception
- International collaboration
Authenticity testing of food and feed
Human, animal and environmental health (One Health)
2021/04/01 - 2025/03/31
POLYRISK: Understanding human exposure and health hazard of micro- and nanoplastic contaminants in our environment (POLYRISK)
2022/05/01 - 2025/04/30
Use of phage applications to combat MRSA at the sow-piglet interface to reduce exposure of staff and contamination of the environment (PHAGE-EX)
2022/05/01 - 2025/12/31
Amoebae as a possible ecological niche of atypical Brucella species and fitness ground for preparation of macrophage infection (BruceFit4Infect)
2022/10/01 - 2026/09/30
Holistic approach for tackling food systems risks in a changing global environment (HOLiFOOD)
2022/10/01 - 2025/09/30
New strategies to reduce disease incidence in organic broiler farming with special consideration of the gut microbiome (Pro-Bio-Huhn)
2022/10/01 - 2025/09/30
New strategies to reduce disease incidence in organic broiler farming with special consideration of the gut microbiome (Pro-Bio-Huhn)
2023/02/01 - 2027/12/31
African One Health Network for Disease Prevention (ADAPT): Building capacity for communicable disease prevention across sub Saharan Africa (ADAPT)
2023/06/01 - 2026/05/31
Effective cOmbination of Phages and Antibiotics for improved TheRApy of KLEbsiella pneumoniae
2023/09/29 - 2027/09/28
Safety in the Game Meat Chain
2023/10/02 - 2026/03/01
Tailor-made activity 4.4b: Data Model Mapping Tool & 4.6b Data Capture @ point of sampling
2023/11/06 - 2027/11/05
NAM projects in the areas of AOP development and transcriptomics for risk assessment - LOT 2
2024/01/01 - 2030/12/31
2024/01/01 - 2026/12/31
Microbiome applications and technological hubs as solutions to minimize food loss and waste (FoodGuard)
2024/01/01 - 2027/12/31
Joint Action Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections 2
2021/06/01 - 2024/12/31
Deciphering the “pandemic spheres”: Government communication, (social) media discourses on and citizens’ responses to COVID-19 in Europe and the USA (DECIPHER)
2021/09/01 - 2024/08/31
Zoonotic potential of rat hepatitis E virus in Germany (ZoRaHED)
2021/10/01 - 2024/09/30
Optimising risk and crisis communications for governments, agencies, and public health organisations (MIRKKOMM)
2021/10/01 - 2024/09/30
Joint Action on Tobacco Control (JATC2)
exposure estimation and assessment of biological risks
2022/02/01 - 2025/01/31
Antigens and Reassortants for Rotaviruses Circulating in Africa (AfRota) (2nd project period) (AfRota)
2022/03/01 - 2025/02/28
Comparative metabolism of 2-monochloropropane-1,3-diol (2-MCPD) and 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) in rats and humans (Metabolismus von chlorierten Propandiolen in Ratte und Mensch)
2022/04/01 - 2025/12/31
KI- & Daten-Akzelerator (KIDA)
2022/08/01 - 2027/01/31
MicRisk2030 A novel path for microbial risk assessment towards sustainable food systems: employing AI-based risk management concepts from Stochastic Finance (MicRisk2030)
2022/09/12 - 2025/09/11
EuroCigua II - SA 2 - Epidemiology of Ciguatera poisoning in the European Union (EuroCigua II)
2022/10/01 - 2026/09/30
2021/10/15 - 2024/10/24
Future scenarios for consumer protection based on food quality and safety information, innovative measurement methods and artificial intelligence (Zukunftslabor2030)
2023/06/01 - 2024/05/31
Stability of hepatitis E virus in meat products
safety of national and international value chains
2024/06/01 - 2034/05/31
European partnership for a sustainable Future of Food Systems
2021/06/01 - 2024/05/30
Digital Technologies for Food Safety Decision Support (FoodDecide)
2022/11/29 - 2024/12/28
AI tool on automatic data extraction from RASFF -SA10
2022/11/29 - 2024/12/28
Making FCL Software fit for purpose - SA12
2013/12/01 - 2018/11/30
Ecology from Farm to Fork Of microbial drug Resistance and Transmission (EFFORT)
2014/01/01 - 2018/12/31
Ensuring the Integrity of the European Food chain (Food Integrity)
detection of contaminants and for the assessment of chemical risks
2021/06/01 - 2026/05/31
Innovative Tools for Assessment and Authentication of chicken and beef meat, and dairy products' QualiTies (INTAQT)
2024/02/26 - 2025/03/08
Maintaining the processing factor database and preparing for its migration to IUCLID
2015/05/01 - 2019/05/31
European Test and Risk Assessment Strategies for Mixtures (EuroMix)
2013/10/01 - 2015/06/30
Occurrence of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in food (GP/EFSA/CONTAM/2013/03)
2009/01/01 - 2014/06/30
North Sea Ballast Water Opportunity (Ballast Water)
Modern methods in toxicology
2021/06/01 - 2026/05/31
RISK assessment of chemicals integrating HUman centric Next generation Testing strategies promoting the 3Rs (RISK-HUNT3R)
2022/05/01 - 2025/04/30
PARC - NGTx Disruption (PARC-NGTxC)
2022/05/01 - 2025/04/30
Hazard identification and hazard characterisation of the mycotoxins enniatins and Alternaria toxins in order to close data gaps and improve risk assessment for human health (PARC - Mycotoxins)
2022/05/01 - 2025/04/30
PARC - Metabolic Disruption (PARC MDC)
2022/05/01 - 2029/04/30
Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals (PARC)
2021/12/01 - 2024/11/30
Coordination of the German National Hub within the framework of the European partnership "Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals (PARC)" by a National Hub Contact Point (NHCP) (PARC-NHCP)
2022/03/16 - 2024/03/15
Skin enrichment of nickel-specific T cell clonotypes in allergic contact dermatitis (Hautbiopsien)
2022/06/20 - 2024/06/19
Extension of the EFSA Pesticides Genotoxicity Database - SA08 (EFSA GenotoxDB)
2013/11/01 - 2015/10/31
Investigation of mixture effects of pesticides in vitro (Combiomics)
2013/12/01 - 2015/11/30
Modelling of the "toxome" of cultivated human hepatocytes
harmonise and standardise assessments of exposure
2023/04/01 - 2026/12/31
Rubber additives in consumer products
2023/08/28 - 2025/10/13
Evaluation of new evidence on Non-Dietary Exposure to Plant Protection Products
2024/04/17 - 2025/04/16
Inspections and Samples: risk based versus random – phase 2
2012/02/01 - 2016/01/31
Total Diet Study Exposure (TDS_Exposure)
Alternatives to animal experiments
2021/10/18 - 2025/10/17
Improving biomedical research by auTomated bEhAvior moniToring In the aniMal home-cagE (TEATIME)
2021/11/01 - 2025/10/31
PANORAMIX - Science-based risk assessment of real-life chemical mixture scenarios across regulatory boundaries
2021/03/01 - 2024/02/29
Deferoxamine (DFO/Desferal®) to accelerate bone healing and treat fracture healing disorders (PROOF-DESFERAL)
2022/07/01 - 2024/06/30
3D Bioprinting of humanized liver model for infection and cancer studies (EC3R)
2008/04/01 - 2013/09/30
Embryonic Stem cell-based Novel Alternative Testing Strategies (ESNATS)
functional analytic and early risk detection
Feed safety
2011/03/01 - 2014/08/31
Quality and Safety of Feeds and Foods for Europe (QSAFFE)
nanotechnology: detection, toxicology, risk assessment and risk perception
2021/01/01 - 2025/01/31
HARMLESS- Advances High Aspect Ratio and Multicomponent materials: towards comprehensive intelligent testing and Safe-by-Design Strategies (HARMLESS)
2013/11/01 - 2017/10/31
Development of methods and standards supporting the implementation of the Commission recommendation for a definition of a nanomaterial (NanoDefine)
2014/03/01 - 2017/02/28
Determining factors of the toxicity in intestine and liver for two similar sized nanoparticles used in food and packaging: In vitro and in vivo investigation on uptake and mechanisms involved (SolNanoTox)
2014/11/01 - 2017/10/31
Design criteria for sustainable nanomaterials (DENANA)
2013/03/01 - 2016/08/31
A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials (NANoREG)
2010/03/01 - 2013/02/28
Safety evaluation of manufactured nanomaterials by characterisation of their potential genotoxic hazard (Nanogenotox)
2010/08/01 - 2013/10/31
Nanostructured Materials - health, exposure and material properties (NanoGEM)
2011/02/01 - 2015/01/31
A pan-European infrastructure for quality in nanomaterials safety testing (QualityNano)
2012/05/01 - 2014/10/31
Monitoring public opinion on Nanotechnology in Europe (Nanopinion)
International collaboration
2021/01/01 - 2025/12/31
Strengthening Food Safety and Consumer Health Protection in Tunisia (Tunesien)
2021/11/01 - 2024/10/31
Strengthening the New Zealand combat against Yersiniosis
2022/11/29 - 2024/07/31
Critical appraisal tool (CAT) for the evaluation of evidence from animal observational epidemiological studies and Test of a risk modelling tool (Rrisk) in the context of EFSA - SA13 (EFSA FPA SA 013)
2023/05/16 - 2024/11/15
Capacity Building European Excellence Label (EEL)
2023/08/16 - 2024/07/15
Coordinated Communications (CoCo23)
2014/01/01 - 2018/12/31
Germany's national focal point on technical and scientific matters (EFSA focal point)
2008/05/01 - 2013/12/31