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Unit Scientific Event Management

In its capacity as a Federal Institute that undertakes risk assessment, conducts research and advises political circles, BfR’s remit includes specific event formats as part of its active risk communication.


At BfR non-public events, events for experts and public events are staged on consumer health protection topics. The main tasks of the Scientific Event Management Unit are the scientific and strategic design, technical organisation, preparation and follow-up assessment of these events in close co-operation with other BfR units and departments. It evaluates and optimises events and launches new target-group specific formats. One key preoccupation of BfR is to engage in and sustainably promote an interactive exchange with stakeholders from science, politics, trade and industry, associations, NGOs and society by means of special event formats. This targeted, graduated and pro-active involvement of various interest groups generates a participatory dialogue.

Some of the event formats used within BfR are:

  • Expert meetings
  • Regular meetings of BfR Committees
  • Scientific meetings, congresses and symposia for experts
  • The twice-yearly BfR Consumer Protection Forum which draws on a participatory stakeholder dialogue
  • Public BfR stakeholder fora (e.g. on risk-benefit analysis, costs of a crisis, perceived risks)
  • Further training events, e.g. for the public health service
  • Public events (Open Day, Green Week, Long Night of Sciences)

Lectures and discussions are made available to the general public through the publication of conference proceedings and documentation about the events on the BfR website. In this way the results of each event are taken over in a sustainable and lasting manner into the discussions about consumer health protection.

Central tasks

The central tasks of the Scientific Event Management Unit are:

  • Strategic design of events
  • Organisational-technical staging of events
  • Proceedings
  • Event evaluation


Other documents

Date Title Size
Print Version
Organisation Chart of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 142.7 KB


Head of Unit

Anne-Katrin Hermann


Visitors' address
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin

Postal address
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin



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