BfR Commission for Evidence-Based Methods in Risk Assessment*

The BfR Commission for Evidence-Based Methods in Risk Assessment is the continuation of the BfR Commission for Exposure Assessment and Exposure Standardisation with a new alignment.

Tasks of the BfR Commission

The task of this commission is to advise the BfR on the establishment of scientific standards in the field of evidence-based methods for the assessment of the health risks of foods and consumer products (with the emphasis on chemical noxae). One particular objective is the compilation and quality assurance of protocols for the performance of systematic reviews, systematic mapping review, meta-analysis, and weight-of-evidence assessments. The protocols should be suitable for use in responding to official ordinances or in the context of registration or authorisation procedures under specific boundary conditions. The outcomes of the deliberations should culminate in scientific publications on adapted assessment protocols and case studies.

Members of the BfR Commission

Scientists from universities, federal research agencies, European authorities, international scientific networks and industry were appointed as members of the BfR Commission for Evidence-Based Methods in Risk Assessment.

* From 2008 to 2017: BfR Commission for Exposure Assessment and Exposure Standardisation

Science reports 1

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