Frequently asked questions about lead in children’s toys
BfR FAQ of 13 March 2017
Toys shall not jeopardise the health of children. This is required by the EU directive 2009/48/EC on safety of toys. To take into account new toxicological findings regarding lead, the EU Commission has announced the tightening of the limit values for lead in the EU toys regulation in order to assure a high level of protection for children.
Germany had already established stricter limit values for lead in its national regulation on the safety of toys, and the proposed EU values now comply with or are even stricter than the German lead limits. With the future realignment of the EU limit values for lead, the German values will also be adjusted to comply with the new EU values. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) welcomes the planned tightening of the EU limit values as it increases the level of protection for children all over Europe.
Toy manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that their products do not jeopardise health and that they comply with legal provisions. The BfR has compiled selected frequently asked questions about lead in toys in order to inform parents first and foremost.